Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well, the continuing F-35 saga continues to spiral downward, with the F-35B on "probation". This program continues to go in the opposite direction from where it should.  I have commented before about cancelling the F-35, and what I have really had in mind is the F-35A.  The Air Force already has a great fifth generation aircraft and doesn't really need another one.  The Navy and Marines are the ones that need fifth generation capability.  So, I would argue that the program should accelerate the F-35B and F-35C variants and sacrifice the F-35A to save hundreds of billions of dollars.  Its clear that the military will not be immune to the devastating effects of the Great Recession, and it seems clear with the retirement of the British Harriers, that the Marines need an AV-8B replacement. Upgrading the existing F-16 fleet as well as new build would bring the force to a generation 4.5 standard and allow funding for better support of the F-22 which will soon find its exclusive status encroached by the T-50 and the J-20.

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